Module 1 - Introduction

Module Objectives

EDB Postgres Platform

EDB Postgres Platform - DBMS Options

EDB Postgres Platform - Tool Suites

EDB Postgres Platform - Deployment Options

EDB Postgres Platform - Services & Support

The EDB Postgres Platform - Subscriptions

EDB Postgres Ark

Database Platform For Digital Business

Facts about PostgreSQL

Facts about EDB Postgres Advanced Server

EDB Postgres Advanced Server Version History

Major Features of PostgreSQL

Major Features of PostgreSQL (continued)

EDB Postgres Advanced Server

EDB Postgres Advanced Server - Security

EDB Postgres Advanced Server - Bundled Tools

EDB Postgres Advanced Server - Performance

EDB Postgres Advanced Server - Database Compatibility for Oracle

EDB Technologies

EDB DBaaS Framework For Hybrid Clouds

General Database Limits

Comon Database Object Names

Module Summary